
Professional Enterprise Web App Penetration Testing (PEWPT)

Duration: 60 hours

Millions of businesses use the Internet as a cost-effective communications channel. It lets them exchange information with their target market and makes fast, secure transactions. However, effective engagement is only possible when the business can capture and store all the necessary data, and have a means of processing this information and presenting the results to the user. Web applications use a combination of server-side scripts (PHP and ASP) to handle the storage and retrieval of the information, and client-side scripts (JavaScript and HTML) to present information to users. This allows users to interact with the company using online forms, content management systems, shopping carts, and more. In addition, the applications allow employees to create documents, share information, collaborate on projects, and work on common documents regardless of location or device. Based on the information security scene which needs qualified Penetration Testers and Information Security Engineers able to understand secure and test their web applications and perform in-depth penetration testing tasks regarding web applications. At Security Meter Academy, we have the vision to teach the audience how to be the ones who can perform reconnaissance, attack, and report and verify reports created by other penetration testers.

Professional Enterprise Network Penetration Testing (PENPT)

Duration: 80 hours

Penetration testing is also commonly referred to as a pen test (or ethical hacking) and is a method used to perform security testing on a network system used by a business or other organization. Pen tests involve a variety of methodologies designed to explore a network to identify potential vulnerabilities and test to ensure the vulnerabilities are real. The simplest way to define network penetration testing is that it simulates the processes hackers would use to attack your business network, network applications, business website, and attached devices. This simulation aims to identify security issues early on before hackers can find and exploit them. Penetration Testing is considered a research field that puts pressure on newcomers to improve their knowledge continuously that's why we focus on developing the searching capabilities of the audience How to Recon, Adapt and Identify Then Exploit any vulnerability they may face on the target system. Thus this training takes the audience from the knowledge surface into deep knowledge enhancing their searching skills to ensure continuous enhancing of their Network Penetration Testing capabilities.

Python For Solution Integrations and Tasks Automation (PSITA)

Duration: 48 hours

Python is one of the most commonly used programming languages today and is easy for beginners to learn because of its readability. It is a free, open-source programming language with extensive support modules and community development, easy integration with web services, user-friendly data structures, and GUI-based desktop applications. It is a popular programming language for machine learning and deep learning applications and automation. Teach the audience the concept of programming and what's different data types, if statements, loops, OOP, and much more to allow them to be able to turn their ideas into reality in every field of Technology such as Networking Automation, Development, Problem Solving. And focuses on the idea of solution integrations using API such as SOAP, REST, JSON, GraphQl API’s and the automation without the existence of API and Daily Tasks Automation.

Python For Penetation Testers (PPT)

Duration: 60 hours

Python is one of the most commonly used programming languages today and is easy for beginners to learn because of its readability. It is a free, open-source programming language with extensive support modules and community development, easy integration with web services, user-friendly data structures, and GUI-based desktop applications. It is a popular programming language for machine learning and deep learning applications and automation. Python Has great support from Cyber Security Community. Based on the information security scene which needs qualified Penetration Testers to emulate attacks against critical assets, and depending on the fact how important programming is to help in every step of the penetration testing cycle. At Security Meter Academy, we have the vision to teach the audience how to deal with python and automate attacks using it and integrate python with tools like Nmap, write shells, exploit systems, and the concept of Smart Recon And AutoExploitation, and much more.

Network Penetration Testing

Duration: 60 hours

Penetration Testing is considered a research field that puts pressure on newcomers to improve their knowledge continuously. That’s why we focus on developing the searching capabilities of the audience How to Recon, Adapt and identify and exploit any vulnerability they may face on the target system. Thus, this training takes the audience from the knowledge surface into deep knowledge, enhancing their searching skills to ensure continuous enhancement of their Network Penetration Testing capabilities. | A sample of what we will learn? | | [ Stages of Penetration Testing (Reconnaissance, Scanning, Vulnerability identification, Exploitation, Post Exploitation such as (Maintaining Access and Lateral Movement) Stealth Techniques and Security Solution Avoidance. ] | | [ Vulnerabilities we will learn to exploit include but are not limited to the following: Host Based Vulnerabilities such as service based vulnerabilities and misconfigurations for service such as (FTP, SSH, XMPP, SMP, SMTP, Kerberos, DNS, etc.) ] | | [Web Application Vulnerabilities such as (XSS, Command Injection, SQL Injection, Local File Inclusion, etc.) ] | | [ Active Directory Attacks (NTLM Relay, Kerberos Attacks, etc.) ] | | [ Service Implementation Misconfiguration. ] | [ Methods of privilege escalation such as (Insecure Service Permissions, Unquoted Service Path, Linux SUID's and SUDO, Cronjobs, LXC's etc.). ] | | [ Pivoting and lateral movement using PowerShell, Port Forwarding, SSH Tunnelling, etc. ] | | [ We will learn about exploit development, such as exploiting Buffer Overflow. ] | [ After that, we will practice solving machines and CTF boxes. Then we will learn how to write professional penetration testing reports. ] | Content :

Professional Enterprise Mobile Application Penetration Testing

Duration: 60 hours

A mobile application penetration test emulates an attack specifically targeting a custom mobile application (iOS and/or Android) and aims to enumerate all vulnerabilities within an app, ranging from binary compile issues and improper sensitive data storage to more traditional application-based issues such as username enumeration or injection.